Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Miracles DO happen

I have spoken time and again about little dog Ollie. I have been crazy about him since older son received him as aChristmas present a decade ago. There is just something so endearing about him. Part Shi Tsu and part Powderpuff he looked remarkably like an ewok and while I had thought he would be a frou frou dog sitting on a cushion and eating bons bons, apparently no one told Ollie For he swaggers around the yard leaving his mark on anything that doesn't move. How could I NOT love a puppy who pooed in my shoe when I yelled at him or let me cry into his fur when the library broke my heart?
Sunday morning little dog Ollie could not move his back end. This happened before, some time ago, and the vet actually was convinced that we would have to put Ollie down. But Ollie, being Ollie bounced back remarkably. So Iknew what to do for him this time and since I had some prednesone left from the last time this happened to him, I dosed him, plus gave him his muscle relaxer.
Ollie spent most of his time sleeping but when I went outside to work with my beads he had to come so I picked him up, carried him out, put him in his favorite spot in the yard and let him be. As the days passed, Ollie gradually started using his back end more and more but he wasn't his old self and then yesterday, he stretched out in this odd position he favors and took a long nap. I was in my craft room when the older son came in asking if I had seen my boy lately and I had to come with him. I thought the worst and followed only to discover Ollie walking around the yard, peeing on everything that didn't move as if nothing had been amiss. I cried. Older son's eyes looked teary so we cracked out some lunch meat and gave the dogs a treat.
When the Husband came home last night he was as amazed as we had been and then he told me something he had hidden from me. On Sunday while Ollie was in his favorite place outside, the Husband came out to mow, he found Ollie, dead. The Husband tried to wake him, to get him breathing, get his heart going but Ollie was limp and unresponsive. The Husband went to get Older Son figuring that it would take the two of them to tell me. Even Older son thought the dog was dead till Ollie lifted his head and looked at the two of them!
So I have mylittle dog Ollie back. Right now he's humping Rocco the Wonder dog in order to maintain his place as king of the household, only he's humping Rocco's head.
There's a heart of a lion inside every little dog.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ThePeruser is teary-eyed, too.
Gotta love that little Ollie!



1:22 AM  

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