Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Turkish Delight---was it?

I have achieved a life long desire... I had my first turkish delight candy. Edmund sells out his family for in the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. I bought a small package with the traditonal lemon, rose and mint. I loved the lemon and the mint... in fact it could become addictive... the rose however... sigh... picture cheap rose soap and now bite in to it. Yep. Rose flavored turkish delight. Shudder. It took most of the night to get the taste our of my mouth but now I have to find a local source for turkish delight, though I don't know where to begin. Is it really turkish and if it is why did I find a recipe for it in a grteek cookbook and then there was the book I was reading that mentioned turkish delight and the reason why it was made and what the sultan and his concubines used to use it for. Use your imagination remembering words like warm, delight, delicious. I really do hope it was all part of the fiction of the novel that I read and not that my new passion... bad choice of words.. really wasn't used for passion. I's sticky how would you ... never mind. I really do not want to think bout it. Turkish delight. yum.


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