Thanksgiving is nearly over. Ii hardly had to do any cooking at all because oldest son took over, telling me that I had made dinner for so many years it is now time for him to take over. Which is basicly the same thing I told my parents when we got our first house. So there we were with a 20 lb turkey and equally big ham and enough sides to float a battleship. As soon as the button popped on the turkey the men came running. Not just mine but the periphiral men who are friends of the sons. Oldest son LOVES being a host and he was beaming as his friends lined up. Younger son said it looked like a soup kitchen and I had huge plates enough for everyone. My men eat on big round serving plates instead of taking two regular plates. We ate and ate and ate some more and now it's a rock band in the basement as they play guitar hero.
Oldest son and I even rememenised (god why can't I spell tonight) about turkey in a bag and the day the turky ran pink and he ate three plateloads of salad. I got to thinking about how my mother never would have opened her house to my friends and she must be spinning in her grave because gasp shudder, cringe a couple of the guys were black. She didn't even like the fact that there was a greek family on her block. Yes I have mother issues and even though she's gone, those issues surface regularly. But I am thankful for her as well. She was the perfect example of what I didn't want to be as a mother and I have, perhaps, spoiled the sons some but what the hell. If you can't spoil your kids who can you spoil? And if you can't open your doors and feed the neighbors, well who can you feed. It isn't even as if the neighbors don't have food of their own... it's just that everyone else in hte neighborjood eat late in the day while we usually eat about one.
And now I have a confession to make. I am not as benevolent as I would like to be. It seems that evil voodoo woman has lost yet another job and her unemplyment hasn't kicked in because she had ot pay back the unemployment form the last time she was fired. This makes five jobs in three years and her landlord is threatening to throw her ouyt and while I did toy with the idea of inviting her to dinner I didn't. Maybe I should have but I had enough of tense Thanksgiving when my mother was alive and my sister still speaking to me and I like our easy breezy thanksgivings that my men and Ii have.
Sauerkraut anyone?
inist \iutar gitaruar aur hero.
Oldest son and I even rememenised (god why can't I spell tonight) about turkey in a bag and the day the turky ran pink and he ate three plateloads of salad. I got to thinking about how my mother never would have opened her house to my friends and she must be spinning in her grave because gasp shudder, cringe a couple of the guys were black. She didn't even like the fact that there was a greek family on her block. Yes I have mother issues and even though she's gone, those issues surface regularly. But I am thankful for her as well. She was the perfect example of what I didn't want to be as a mother and I have, perhaps, spoiled the sons some but what the hell. If you can't spoil your kids who can you spoil? And if you can't open your doors and feed the neighbors, well who can you feed. It isn't even as if the neighbors don't have food of their own... it's just that everyone else in hte neighborjood eat late in the day while we usually eat about one.
And now I have a confession to make. I am not as benevolent as I would like to be. It seems that evil voodoo woman has lost yet another job and her unemplyment hasn't kicked in because she had ot pay back the unemployment form the last time she was fired. This makes five jobs in three years and her landlord is threatening to throw her ouyt and while I did toy with the idea of inviting her to dinner I didn't. Maybe I should have but I had enough of tense Thanksgiving when my mother was alive and my sister still speaking to me and I like our easy breezy thanksgivings that my men and Ii have.
Sauerkraut anyone?
inist \iutar gitaruar aur hero.
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