Friday, August 07, 2009

Why toddler in Tiaras

I like to watch the show toddlers in tiaras and listen to the rather unattractive mothers try to convince themselves and us that their 2 year old loves to dress up in rhinestones and spray on tans and parade in front of strangers. And usually, tho I try to be cynical, I enjoy watching the mothers root for their daughters and tell them they are wonderful except for tonight. Tonight the show depressed the hell out of me.
It had to do with a skinny, talk through her nose, bucktoothed sort of woman who brought to mind some nibbling rodent. Or maybe she wasn't that bad but her appearance was colored by what went on.
This rabbity woman had twins, competing against each other. The so called pretty daughter and then the other one. Now I was an unattractive child, something my mother never let me forget as if I set out to be unattractive just to piss her off. Rabbity woman had her obvious favorite to the point where I wanted to reach into the tv and slap her stupid. Daughter B was the favored one, daughter A could do nothing right. It was obvious in the way the mother treated them, spoke to tem, and dressed them. Daught B had a glitzy dress all rhinestones and poufs. Daughter A had a rhinestone gown with a torn and draggling ruffle that rabbity woman firstlaid such a guilt trip on her for it being torn, going so far as to say the girl couldn't use any of the other dresses in the closet because they blonged to sister B. Mom promised to sew draggling hem onl y to forget and the kid goes to the pagent with a draggling hem that was cut away. By the end of the night daughter A's hair looked like a rat's nest. Meanwhile daughter B is a brat and dad finally steps in and drags her out of the pagent and that is that. So daughter A wins this trophy as 3rd runner up and mom is shocked because this daughter is such a loser.... you don't have to hear those words, it's obvious and then daughter A wins this big trophy for trying her best and doing her best when I swear it really was a you are breaking my heart kind of trophy, Mom is even more shocked and at the end when daughter A is saying how she won, daughter B insists that she won and not her sister because her mother told her so. It's a wonder I didn't throw something at the screen, And now I feel as if I should do something, but what? I know what this mother is doing to this poor child and I want to stop it but how. Maybe the father will see this episode and put an end to things or, and this is a long shot, mom will see her behavior and be outraged with it. Yes I know TV shows like this are edited but A's body language made me want to cry. The damage mothers can inflict.

Whew! Needed to get that out!

Oh and I would rather be known as the smart one than the pretty one any day. But the jury is still out on that one.


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