Friday, January 29, 2010

PIssing and moaning and feeling sorry for myself.

I hae been sick for nearly a week and don't feel as if I am getting any better. If I ad healthy insurance I would go to the doc but who wants to pay $100 plus to have someone tell you you're sick and you just have to ride it out?
When I man is sick he gets to piss and moan and lay about the house while when I am sick I am doing data entry from home and was requested to do a load of dished and woken from a nap because some idiot at the office didn't read his computer screen and click on what he was supposed to click on. Nor when a man, ok the Husman is sick I handle it all while all he has done is nudge me to make sure a mailing will go out this week. After a major 400 data entry items today he says he'll print the stuff out tomorrowna dn I don't ahve to go into the office but then he's be calling me in a panic every fifteen seconds dso I might as well just bite the bullet.

He tells me not to talk and save what voide I have and then spends the evening asking me questions.

He was making younger son's lunch so I didn't get my germs all over the food but I had to stand there in the kitchen instructing him as to how to make a sandwhich (I AM NOT KIDDING) and then raged at me with hate on his face that I was making him look like and idiot. Sorry honey you did that long time ago.

I post on facebook and my posts are ignored. I sent out over 30 Christmas cards got 3 in return. Not even one from someone who is supposed to be a friend. Same friend expects me to remember her birthday but can't be troubled to send me a card on mine, even after we discuss it days ahead.

I am not ready to shuffle off this mortal coil. I'll take the express lane please. I just feel lost and lonely and under appreciated and if it wasn't for the dogs nd older son I would feel unloved. Older son has been doing the dinne and younger one actually gave me some meds and a cup of tea. Rocco watched eorriedly as I vomited and Olllie does silly Ollie things to make me laugh.

Yeah yeah I know pity poor me when there are people with real troubles but lie inside my skin for a bit and see how well it fits.


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