Tra la
Things I've noticed.
Those E Harmony commercial where the woman says that as I business owner she needed someone else to find her Mr Right. Take a look at her "business" when the commercial comes on again. She has a metal belt hanger affixed to one wall with stringy looking necklaces on it and across from that is a rack of dresses EXACTLY ALIKE!!! Not to mention ugly as well. What in God's name does she do all day that keeps her so busy. Perhaps she first arranges the blue denim dresses by size, then by color and then by price and then starts all over again. I really do hope for her sake this isn't the interior of her business but some poorly done set used to make the commercial. At least she isn't as bad as the Lee guy in another dating commercial. He looks like he'd bite the heads off chickens and then kiss his wife with beheaded chicken on his breath.
I picked up a paperback mystery at the library... yes, I do read, and part way through wondered if the publishing houses even bother with proofreading any longer. I'm thinking they might just use spell check instead. You'll see aim where it should say I'm and the like. Well this book didn't stoop to something so prosaic. Let me set this up.
The main character was a 80 something ex English teacher who's fortyish, new mother daughter in law lived across the street. Daughter in law is taking the old biddy someplace and the old biddy is shocked that the DIL is wearing a track suit to go to their book club. Less than half a dozen lines later the DIL is answering the cell phone and rubbing a spot out on her skirt, while driving. I guess DIL somehow changed clothes while she was driving as well. But wait... old biddy EX ENGLISH TEACHER you have to remember that say BETWEEN Aletha, Kitty and Erma she's get some good gossip. AAAGGGGHHHHHHHH AMONG YOU MORON AMONG. You can only between two people and among more than two. Good god.
And the wandering apostrophe is back showing up on a dog treat package as KABOB'S. Is it Kabob is or something that the Kabob possesses? You would think that someone in the kabob factory would have mentioned that maybe the apostrophe wasn't quite necessary but maybe this apostrophe was a feral one who just showed up at the factory door and slipped in before anyone spotted it.
NOw I'm not claiming to be the brightest bulb. I finally understood that commercial for Kay Jewlers and their "Every Kiss begins with Kay." slogan. Duh. Can I redeem myself by knowing that a Hippo is NOT a predator? And that adverbs usually have an ly at the end? Oh and I never named either of my sons Toto or Prince or any of the other weird names I run across while doing data entry. And that the Norse god of snow is Ullr (tho I have no idea how to pronounce it.)
Those E Harmony commercial where the woman says that as I business owner she needed someone else to find her Mr Right. Take a look at her "business" when the commercial comes on again. She has a metal belt hanger affixed to one wall with stringy looking necklaces on it and across from that is a rack of dresses EXACTLY ALIKE!!! Not to mention ugly as well. What in God's name does she do all day that keeps her so busy. Perhaps she first arranges the blue denim dresses by size, then by color and then by price and then starts all over again. I really do hope for her sake this isn't the interior of her business but some poorly done set used to make the commercial. At least she isn't as bad as the Lee guy in another dating commercial. He looks like he'd bite the heads off chickens and then kiss his wife with beheaded chicken on his breath.
I picked up a paperback mystery at the library... yes, I do read, and part way through wondered if the publishing houses even bother with proofreading any longer. I'm thinking they might just use spell check instead. You'll see aim where it should say I'm and the like. Well this book didn't stoop to something so prosaic. Let me set this up.
The main character was a 80 something ex English teacher who's fortyish, new mother daughter in law lived across the street. Daughter in law is taking the old biddy someplace and the old biddy is shocked that the DIL is wearing a track suit to go to their book club. Less than half a dozen lines later the DIL is answering the cell phone and rubbing a spot out on her skirt, while driving. I guess DIL somehow changed clothes while she was driving as well. But wait... old biddy EX ENGLISH TEACHER you have to remember that say BETWEEN Aletha, Kitty and Erma she's get some good gossip. AAAGGGGHHHHHHHH AMONG YOU MORON AMONG. You can only between two people and among more than two. Good god.
And the wandering apostrophe is back showing up on a dog treat package as KABOB'S. Is it Kabob is or something that the Kabob possesses? You would think that someone in the kabob factory would have mentioned that maybe the apostrophe wasn't quite necessary but maybe this apostrophe was a feral one who just showed up at the factory door and slipped in before anyone spotted it.
NOw I'm not claiming to be the brightest bulb. I finally understood that commercial for Kay Jewlers and their "Every Kiss begins with Kay." slogan. Duh. Can I redeem myself by knowing that a Hippo is NOT a predator? And that adverbs usually have an ly at the end? Oh and I never named either of my sons Toto or Prince or any of the other weird names I run across while doing data entry. And that the Norse god of snow is Ullr (tho I have no idea how to pronounce it.)
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