Wednesday, February 08, 2006


I'm wondering if this is national frustration day. It started the first thing this morning and just seems to grow. It reminds me of a big old wad of gum that collects all kinds of gunge as it rolls downhill. Right now there is a wad of cat hair and few crumbs of dog food, a wrinkled ribbon, clump of cat litter and half a dozen dust bunnies.
Work was awful. The husband was rapidly losing his mind and dragging me along with him. I kept wanting to help but he wouldn't let me and yet I got the martyr sigh and the muttering under his breath while I was trying to eat my lunch. I never did finish my lunch and launched into what I could do at work but the man gave me no peace. No sooner did I get my mind around one thing then he was interrupting me with something else that had to be done immediately and then he wondered why I hadn't gotten the first task done. And on and on and on.
I finally got home to discover that my ebay account is still screwed up on the home computer despite younger son working his magic. Unfortunately he doesn't have enough magic and neither he nor I (laughing hysterically) can find what virus or work or spyware or whatever it is that drags me to a bogus site wanting info I would never give... debit card number and social security number... do I look like I just fell off the turnip truck. Ok if I had been securely seated IN the turnip truck I never would have gotten into this mess in the first place. So I'm frustrated and ready to howl and I get to start it all over again tomorrow.

I'll wipe that out of my head with a Rocco story. He was sitting on the bed with me last night, intently watching my hands as I cracked peanuts for us. Ears pulled together, forehead wrinkled, his eyes track every little movement. When he had his fill he started to vocalise a bit and when I asked him what he wanted, he looked me right in the eye and said "ma ma". Thunderstruck I stared at him and he stared back. I managed to ask him what he had said and I'mm be damned he said 'ma ma' once more. Now, of course, he hasn't repeated it but then we haven't eaten any peanuts. Maybe it's a legume thing.


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