Monday, June 05, 2006


Dear Peruser,
I've always insisted in manners in my family. When the sons were young, I made sure they held doors, said thank you and the like. I refused to accept snotty remarks or eye rolling where I could see it and even that tone of voice that announces to the world that you are the dumbest person in the world. Nor did we ever call each other names. We treated each other with respect. After all if youcan be polite to strangers and friends it should carry over into the home.
Now this wasn't just a rule for the sons but for the husband and I as well. The husband didn't always follow through. He thinks when he argues he needs to tear you down and crumple you up, but he learned and hasn't done that in some time. Why am I telling you this? Wait. I have a story.
Sundays are do your own thing day, whether it be crafts or chores or naps or veging in front of the tv. The husband was mowing the yard. I was in the craft room. Older son was in his room. I came out of my room to get a soda and little dog Ollie was all excited to see me. He ran to me and then away and then to me and then away. If he were Lassie, I would have guessed that Timmy had fallen down a well and the barn was on fire. He did this all of the way into the kitchen and there he ran up to a pancake that was laying on the floor, touched it with his nose, ran back to me, touched me with his nose and then back to the pancake.
Ollie wanted the pancake but needed my permission first. AS soon as I told him he could have it, he grabbed it and went to his pillow. Geez my dog is more polite than most of the people I run across. I can't take credit for Ollie's manners. Our departed Mutley was the one who taught Ollie that. When we brought Mutley home from the rescue place, he didn't come into the house until he was invited nor did he jump onto the couch until we told him it was ok. In fact, if you were sitting on the floor with a plate of food and laid it on the rug, he wouldn't touch it if there was a fork on the plate. Take the fork and Mutley knew it was his. I still miss my big old Mutley. I think I will always missmy big old Mutley. Training Rocco would have been a heck of a lot easier if I had had Mutley to do it. Oh well.
Rocco the Wonder Dog is learning his manners as well though it seems to be taking him forever. At least he doesn't steal food. That was the first thing I taught him. Right now, he's out in the yard checking to see if we were invaded during the night. He kept us safe so far from a sheet that blew into the yard and the pool filter that has been moved from it's regular place, and birds had better not set one foot onto our property. William the ground hog is allowed unless one of Rocco's people should come out of the house, then it's chasing William back into the bamboo. As for William... he's HUGE bigger than little dog Ollie but boy can he hustle.
So that's what's up with me, mannerly dogs and gigantic ground hogs. Wonder if I can find a ground hog saddle and ride william to work. Later gator. ---me---


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wouldn't you prefer riding a PIG?


9:48 PM  

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