Day three or --- don't forget to wipe the goat lips off your water bottle
How canI be this tired and still stand up and how can I be sooo out of shape that pumpkin rolling becomes a cardio workout? However, I will hang on at the farm because I am so happy there. I am never happy. I am stressed, depressed, frightened, anxious and a whole load of gloomy black cloud words. At the farm with the smell of pig in my nose and shavings in my hair and the chance to get my hands on an 850 pound boar or to be greeted by goats in the morning, I am happy.
Yes, I am a pig person but I'm discovering another soft spot in my heart for goats... despite their devil eyes, I always stop at the nursery pen on my pay to the pigs, I greet the ladies and they come running thinking that there is food in my hand. I held out my hand to the black pygmy and left her sniff them apologising that I had nothing for her to eat. In fact my hands were wet and slightly pumpkin slimey and Miss Goat, yes she is a Miss despite the out of wedlock kid, simply licked my hands dry.
So I'm getting ready to leave and Miss Goat is there, head through the fence, tail wagging. I stop and stoop to give her a good ear rubbing when I notice she is intent on licking the condensation from the outside of my water bottle, (I freeze it at night so i have cold water all day) Thinking she was thirsty for some reason, all the animals have automatic waterers so they have fresh water all day, I poured some of my water into my hands for her to drink. She shied away from my hands but I had been petting pigs all day.
Eventually I got smart and took the top off my big water bottle and tilted it just so that she could drink right out of the bottle. MIss Goat just drank and drank and then the woman in the pen tells me that goat was stuck and had been for most of the day.
OK now. The goat is stuck for most of the day. She had no food and no water and NOBODY DID ANYTHING!!!! Oh yes they told someone a little while ago but the goat was stuck all day.
Farm manager comes by tried to get the goat back through but when she wouldn't back up he left her and said he'd deal with it later. Uh uh. I don't play that way. I tried to coax her backwards with the water bottle. I tried the twisted head maneuver and I tried to pullher back but nothing worked. Then MJ a newbie came by, she had heard that the goat was stuck and wanted to help and between the two of us, Miss Goat was freed. I pushed, MJ pulled. MIss Goat still wanted the water from my bottle and after the day i had I let her drink her fill and made a mental note to wipe the goat lips from my water bottle before I refilled it.
So this makes me think. If a person doesn't like or is afraid of animals, or doesn't know the difference between a chicken and a duck, and if they don't like smells or dirt, and they don't want to TOUCH the animals then why in the world did they apply for work at a petting farm? Complete with smells sights and more poop than you would think possible. For instance, the woman with the stuck goat. When she told me the goat was stuck I asked her what she tried. She threw up her hands and told me that she didn't like to touch the animals and would only hold the babies if they were clean.
Was it so wrong of me to wish that she would step right in the middle of a cow plop on her way to her car? Huh? Was I? Give me some credit here. At least I didn't shove her head through the fencing beside Miss Goat and then make her drink out of the water bottle that had (horrors) touched GOAT LIPS!!
Goat lips are very soft and tickly by the way and remind me of velvet. No goo no slopper just soft and dainty. Like your bewiskered favorite Aunt. ---me---
Yes, I am a pig person but I'm discovering another soft spot in my heart for goats... despite their devil eyes, I always stop at the nursery pen on my pay to the pigs, I greet the ladies and they come running thinking that there is food in my hand. I held out my hand to the black pygmy and left her sniff them apologising that I had nothing for her to eat. In fact my hands were wet and slightly pumpkin slimey and Miss Goat, yes she is a Miss despite the out of wedlock kid, simply licked my hands dry.
So I'm getting ready to leave and Miss Goat is there, head through the fence, tail wagging. I stop and stoop to give her a good ear rubbing when I notice she is intent on licking the condensation from the outside of my water bottle, (I freeze it at night so i have cold water all day) Thinking she was thirsty for some reason, all the animals have automatic waterers so they have fresh water all day, I poured some of my water into my hands for her to drink. She shied away from my hands but I had been petting pigs all day.
Eventually I got smart and took the top off my big water bottle and tilted it just so that she could drink right out of the bottle. MIss Goat just drank and drank and then the woman in the pen tells me that goat was stuck and had been for most of the day.
OK now. The goat is stuck for most of the day. She had no food and no water and NOBODY DID ANYTHING!!!! Oh yes they told someone a little while ago but the goat was stuck all day.
Farm manager comes by tried to get the goat back through but when she wouldn't back up he left her and said he'd deal with it later. Uh uh. I don't play that way. I tried to coax her backwards with the water bottle. I tried the twisted head maneuver and I tried to pullher back but nothing worked. Then MJ a newbie came by, she had heard that the goat was stuck and wanted to help and between the two of us, Miss Goat was freed. I pushed, MJ pulled. MIss Goat still wanted the water from my bottle and after the day i had I let her drink her fill and made a mental note to wipe the goat lips from my water bottle before I refilled it.
So this makes me think. If a person doesn't like or is afraid of animals, or doesn't know the difference between a chicken and a duck, and if they don't like smells or dirt, and they don't want to TOUCH the animals then why in the world did they apply for work at a petting farm? Complete with smells sights and more poop than you would think possible. For instance, the woman with the stuck goat. When she told me the goat was stuck I asked her what she tried. She threw up her hands and told me that she didn't like to touch the animals and would only hold the babies if they were clean.
Was it so wrong of me to wish that she would step right in the middle of a cow plop on her way to her car? Huh? Was I? Give me some credit here. At least I didn't shove her head through the fencing beside Miss Goat and then make her drink out of the water bottle that had (horrors) touched GOAT LIPS!!
Goat lips are very soft and tickly by the way and remind me of velvet. No goo no slopper just soft and dainty. Like your bewiskered favorite Aunt. ---me---
Hey!! Stop telling everyone about my whiskers....I just plucked today!!
Sure sounds like you are having the time of your life. I am happy for you.
Maybe you need to MOVE to a farm.
Reminds me of a visit we made to Grant's Farm in St. Louis, MO. Tons of visitors and workers but all ignoring small baby goat stuck in the fence. My family refused to just walk by and do nothing. My sister-in-law and I are "quite large". It took about 30 min of us bouncing and pushing and pulling but we managed to jostle the wooden fence boards for just long enough that my sister could push the goat's head out. Not that he wouldn't come back and do it again.
We had a puppy with large floppy ears and one of our fence panels had big holes like Swiss cheese. Tybo would put his head thru but those big ears would stop him from extracting his head. So about 3 times a day he needed rescue. Thank God when he grew enough that his head didn't fit because he sure didn't have enough brains to quit doing it. I have a pic of that somewhere.......
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