Friday, January 13, 2006

Woooo Hoooo!

Devil woman has found herself a job and she starts Monday. Thank goodness. I am so excited even though it does mean that I will now be in the office with the Husband all day instead of just until 1. Now I can clear out those endless bookmarks on her computer and neaten up the files and get things running the way I want them to run.
She started with her nonsense again yesterday and today comes into the office, turns the fan on, and opens the door to the outer hallway. I was just starting to warm up because it had been chilly in the office all morning and she came along and spoiled it all. When the husband suggested that if she was hot she should remove one of the three sweaters she was wearing, she told him it was too much trouble. Uh huh. Too much trouble. I can really see her lasting in this new job... for about 5 minutes.
Anyway, now the husband can't hide anything from me since I'll be in his pocket all day. When he went on his little field trip to the Eastern Shore he told me that he had placed a contract on a property for about $110,000.00. I took it well though my heart did that try to scurrying up my throat and out of my mouth thing. Then today as he's sitting there on the phone talking to the real estate agent, it comes out that he put a contract on THREE properties for a total of $110,000.00. Really now, if he didn't want me going crazy over him buying 3 properties, he should have watched what he was saying. The funniest part is that he never realised he let it slip till I called him on it. What a goof. For some reason I can hear things without actually listening. It somehow just takes residence in my brain and I know. You had to hit Devil Woman in the head to get her attention. With me, the husband has my attention without meaning to. I have a feeling this is going to be a strange ride.


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