Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Way too excited

Dear Peruser,
Excitement abounds! I discovered that the tree in the front of the house now contains a woodpecker/flicker/sapsucker nest complete with fuzzy squawklings without the distinctive red head of their kind. Why do I not know what they are? Each time I look them up in a bird book or on the internet I get a different name for them. Pileated Woodpecker is my favorite name for them. Sounds kind of important. I watched mom or maybe Dad (roflmao) feeding them and then the parent did their rat a tat tat thing on the tree and flew off to find more food. I wonder if the rat a tat was the whatever's form of a bedtime story. I love squawklings.
Last night I watched my favorite show to make fun of, Dead Famous. I don't know if you've ever seen this or not but there's this bald Irish/English woman who is a sceptic and an Wmerican guy with a tiny clump of hair clinging to his bottom lip in what I think he thinks passes for a beard but in reality it is only a chin wiggle. Anyhow they go about looking for famous dead people always managing to touch on the more famous places around the US while doing so. I mean, come on. They were looking for Jayne Mansfield and ended up at the Myrtles Plantation??!!! Talk about a stretch. What did Jayne do? Ride past there once and wave?
Nonetheless the show is a hoot though I do wish the bald chick would cover her head. Since most of this is filmed in the dark, between the eerie glow in her eyes and the gleem of her perfectly round bald head, she's like a moon moving about. Yeah yeah I admire her guts being on tv bald as a billard ball but cover that head, the glow is blinding me.
As for chin wiggle, he's always channeling someone or other which means he throws his head back, jiggles in his chair and then pushes out the words one by one. Now he never channels anyone famous and to tell you the truth, the people with him become possessed more often than he does. Even the skeptic though if she really is a skeptic how come she's afraid? Hmmm. Guess it makes for hilarious tv. I do have to mention that anytime something really cool happen, according to chin wiggle, he's either not filming or about to film so all we get is an occasional evp and an orb or two. Personally I like Ghost Hunters on Sci Fi better. They don't try to channell anyone and even try to debunk things. I just wish that the head guy would stop saying 'me and Grant' and go with the correct 'Grant and I' and must they call everyon DUDE? Still they've gotten more on tape than chin wiggle and Ms. Moon ever would.
Speaking of tv I keep seeing a commerical for the new documentary "Guests of the Ayatolla" about the American hostages in Iran about 20 plus years ago. Oldest son was just a baby when they hostages came home and the husband came home from work at the IRS to get Oldest son and I so we could wave at them as they rode by. So we bundled Oldest son, took his treats and the backpack he rose in and off we went. Surprisingly we got a good spot, not that the son knew what was going on. He was munching on breadsticks for his teething and getting crumbs in the
Husband's hair. There was a buzz in the crowd, the busses were coming and suddenly this tv camera guy elbows his way past everyone and stands right in front of us. Before we could open
our mouths to protest this cop showed upout of nowhere and told him to move. TV guy started to protest but the cop waved his hand at the crowd and us behind him and said "these people have been standing here waiting and you are in their way, MOVE'. Camera guy moved. God bless that cop, he could have ignored it all but he did what was right. I'm sure we thanked him.
And speaking of unlikely stars of the show. The husband and I were in DC for the bicentennial... remember that. God, that was before kids even.
We battled the crowds got ourselves a spot on the curb and prepared to watch. I am not a big parade fan, Sirens make my head hurt and unless the Oldest son is in the marching band I'm not interested. I tried to pretend that I wasn't bored mostly because the husband was so danged excited and then we hear something. It sounded like a murmur at first, almost like the sound of waves on a distant shore but then the sound rose and eventually you could hear cheers and applause. Well, we thought there was something really great coming down the street toward us, certainly the cheers were heading our way.
What had to be the 10th horseback group came our way and the cheers followed in thier wake. I'm not a fan of horses or cowboys and wondered why everyone was so excited to see horses. And then, we saw him. The star of the show.
He was probably in his teens, skinny as all get out and wearing simple jeans and a t-shirt. He was a black kid with close cropped hair and dark gleeming skin that made his teeth seem even whiter as he grinned at the people. He had what I first thought was a baton that he swung a twirled and then I saw the shovel in his other hand and realised the baton was in reality a poop scoop and it was his job to scoop horse poop all along the parade route. He was having the time of his life and mugging for the crowds. What a juxtaposition of those well groomed blond palominos and their riders decked out in their best and the black kid scooping poop. Truthfully, he is the only thing I remember clearly about the whole parade. He deserved every cheer and applause he got. He turned a stinky smelling job into something important and he was the star of the show. Good for him.
Well I've rambled on too much today. Will write soon. Love. ---me---


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