Sunday, January 25, 2009


An internet group I belong to has a wish list posted on its site. It's for things one wants that, perhaps someone has and doesn't want and so the item goes to a new home. I've wondered what I'd wish for and I have come up with a list but few if any of my wishes can be easily filled.
I want a pig.., not any pig but Dottie, the last pig in my charge when I was still doing petting farm.
Since I can't have Dottie, I want a goat.
I want a real life in person friend, though to be honest I probably woudln't know what to do with a friend if I had one. I'm not much of a telephone person and I haven't a hint as to how to make and or be a friend.
If I can't have a friend how about some craft group so I can talk creative stuff with someone whose eyes don't glaze over or thinks that the only creation that's great is the one that is predominantly red (sorry husband)
I want there to still be dime stores. Not any kind but the old one with wooden floors worn smooth by countless feet, and counters of stuff instead of everything hanging from a peg.
I want to figure out collage.... I mean how hard can it be? Paper on paper would seem so simple and yet when I see collages in magazines I can't figure out things like.... why is there a number in the collage, does it mean something? Is it the color of the number, the shape for god's sake why is there a number on the damned thing an dhow come I don't GET it!
I want to take photos of my craft stuff that are good enough so I can try to dump some of my dolls on etys and get them out of the house because they are starting to jostle each other on the shelves and I;m afraid a fight will break out at amy moment.
I want it to snow. One long day of snow with the men at home and food in the fridge. One day of snow isn't too much to ask, is it?
I want to be happy but I haven't figured out what it would take to actually make me happy.
I'd like to get my sense of humor back. I don't know where it went once things got dire. If my sense of humor could help me survive my mother and the diva crap my sister pulled then where is it now when I really need it.
Mostly I want to feel... well if not loved... how about liked? I don't want to be one of those poor people whose funeral consists of the hearse and one car following it. How sad is a funeral where no body comes. When I see small ones like that, I want to pull my car into the line just so There is more than one car.
Most importantly I want to make a mark on the world. It doesn't have to be big or splashy, just something to justify my life.
ANd lastly I wish I wouldn';t always get like this when a birthday looms. Ish.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I'm sitting here this morning with Little Dog Ollie curled up next to me, I got to thinking about how old he is and how dreadful it's going to be when he goes and then my mind carried me further and I thought about my own passing.

I've heard of the tunnel or the white light and that your loved ones who have gone ahead are there to greet you. If I can have my druthers, I want to be greeted by those who really love me, my animals. I can picture it. My childhood dog, Taffy, long and low to the ground, who taught me how to love. There is Bo, my first cat, who went far too soon and Neba the greatest cat in the world who also taught me what love is. I mean, this cat would join newborn kittens or puppies in their box when Mama went out for a walk or a meal. It didn't matter that Neba was male, he loved babies, the human ones as well. There are more cats: Poppy, Alex, Robin, Twirly Twiggins, Honey, Vincent, Patchwick and Pip. MOlly and Scamp join Taffy, the two of them finally cured of their mange and happy and healthy. Emily, my dear little dog with the go funny foot who limped when she walked but used all four feet when she ran. She knew her time was coming and so,while the husband and I were on vacation, she got out of the yard at night and was hit by a car. Suicide to spare me watching her fail and die. And my Mutley with his arthritis and his congestive heart failure and his happy funny face. His body will be wiggling all over, he'll be grinning at me and he'll be giving ME m&Ms each night. now THAT'S a welcoming committee

Friday, January 09, 2009

Alias Rocco the desk dog

First of all you have to know that we have a small house. A very small house and so, when the holidays come things need to be shifted around the living room to accomodate the tree. Not that we have a lot of furniture in the living room, just a tv a desk and a sofa and a small drawered chest. This year we shoved the desk under the big front windo and put the tree in its place. Of course Rocco the wonder dog had to inspect it and make certain all was well. Then, and I have no idea how this happened, the chest was pushed to the side of the couch and the desk butted up against it and there was a folded blanket on the desk top and sitting there in all his scooby Doo glory was Rocco the Wonder dog. It seems that sofa chest desk made a series of easy steps for him to get to the desk topthough he has been known to fly up there propelled from somewhere mid room. eh desk to
Once upon a time when we had furniture arranged a different way, Rocco could lay on the back of the couch and watch the world go by, but we changes the furniture and his sentry post was gone. And now it's back and there he sits, either upright, his funny half bent ears at alert as he scans the yard for possible villians. Ralphie might have had his bb gun but we have Rocco. We are safe from random squirrels, cats, a trash can being blown down the street, not to mention the fed ex, Ups and the USPS folk who dare to deliver packages on our street without permission from Rocco. Luckily the guys who come by to steal the garbage come before Rocco is awake because there will be no garbage theivery on his watch.
His best day as Mighty desk watchdog was when there was a cat across the street, some random movement in the yard AND the chinese lady across the street dared to head toward her car to go somewhere. Rocco told them in no uncertain terms that they were not to even THINK about his house.
He's not on this vigil alone. Eloise Matilda his stuffed gorilla remains on the floor but he has carried his rather big toy lamb up there to use for a pillow to prop up his head so he can lay and look out the window.
Since the desk was a second hand give away desk and not something expensive and wonderful, I think Rocco might just have a permanent post and if I ever figure out my digital camera and learn how to add pics to this blog, we might all get to see a big brown scooby doois sort of dog and his fluffy white lamb protecting us from rain drops, woodchucks and delivery trucks... all from the comfort of the front window.

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Tuesday, January 06, 2009

The Goat Whisperer

I was actually out in the yard the other day without my cadre of body guards, namely Little Dog Ollie, Rocco the Wonder Dog and Chloe the cat who thinks she's either one of the canine boys, a dog or knows she's a cat and just likes to tag along with one of the canine boys. It's a rare happening when I get to leave or enter the house without any one of the three or all of them leaping and running and bringing me things to look at. I swear it takes me longer to get from car door to house door than it takes me to drive home. Anyway... as I was saying I was out in the yard with the body guards inside and as I headed for the Husband's car so we could go off to the office together, I heard the Little Goatling boy from next door. LGB has two canine brothers, Toby who has a special bark just for me and Scooter who unfortunately reminds me of my spooky nephew. Scooter always seems to be very serious, as if plotting some dastardly deed while masquerading as a long haired bundle of fluff.
But there was LGB a maaa ing and a baa ing and a bleating and I bleated back as I headed for the fence and little Goatling boy just trotted his little goatling butt over to me so I could rub the top of his head. Now I've been talking to LGB since they got him only this was the first time there wasn's some idiot dog in my way making a fool of himself trying to get my attention. When I got in the car the husband was amazed that the goat came right over to me and let me pet him. It was as if I was some kind of goat whisperer he said. So it is official. I do speak goat as well as pig, dog, cat, woodchuck,and well human, of course. I bet Rosetta Stone doesn't carry those in their library of language learning courses.

Odds and ends...

The fibro is flaring badly and as ever I'm mishearing again.

Did you know you can get a SHitty card credit card? And the other phone companies are still nipple and diming you to death.

We lost one of our clients in the business because he is going to jail and can't afford to pay us any more. As for his wife and kids, well he's going to let the church take care of it. As for why he's going to jail... he owes the IRS back taxes in the amount of $5,000,000.00. Yep five million. He's gotten 5 years but may be out in 3. And speaking of Rosetta Stone, another of our clients worked for them as a voice on a cd. The man had a lovely deep voice with a delightful african accent.

Oh and I got Rak'd (random act of kindness)the other day. I was searching for marshmallows in the big Wal Mart super store and couldn't find them in candy so I thought I 'd try hot choclate figuring they might be there but I couldn't find hot choclate either and I was griping to the husband that I couldn't find the hot choclate when two ladies came up to me, told me they heard about the hot choclate hunt and they led me to the hot choclate and .... they were customers of the stores and not employees.... the employees of this walmart spend a vast amnount of time standing around gossiping which might explain why the shelves always look bare. So now I know how the cashiers feel when I buy them a candy bar to say thank you. It just made my day.

It's late so I'll say good Naaaaaaaiiiiighhht.